It’s not just a new theme.
The whole back-end’s just been replaced with Comicpress/WordPress, which, besides providing you with a new site design:
- You can leave comments right on the comic pages! If you use gravatars, your own icons will appear next to the comments as well! (And if you don’t, you’ll still get to share stuff with other readers!)
- The blog and comic are now unified! If you’re currently subscribed to either the old blog’s RSS feed or the comic’s feed, they’ll be reorganized soon enough so you’ll never miss another comic update again!
- More exciting (at least on my end) is that I can automate the comic updates and actually put that buffer of mine to use so we can ALL relax on Saturday nights knowing exactly when the next comic will be posted.
Most everything’s been ported over to the new site design, along with a few extras. Some of them aren’t in totally obvious places (The Bonus Comics have now been grafted into the timeline with the Regular Comics), while others are more visible than ever.
Everything’s still being worked out (so that by the next comic update, everything’s right where it ought to be), so feel free to kick the tires, run around commenting on previous comics, and making the place look a little more lived-in. If any bugs crop up or there’s something you miss, make sure I know about it so I can get to fixing it and/or putting in something just as awesome.
And in case you’re in doubt, here’s a quick side-by-side of the two designs, so you can see just how much of an improvement it made: