P.S. And so far no one has even had any question of WHY Veled wants to talk to Noise as well? As far as we know he is neither a vampire, nor a horse of the apocalypse.
@lycanthrope we’re more concerned with her wings and the brain bleach, just venturing a guess, it might have something to do with the fact that he was once a commander under her
Ah, yes. Diamond `saw Mode. It’s been a while since I checked the DA account, but I DO remember that bit of art. Ah, the wonders of nanites and a vampire with an oversoul. (Meaning that later on, she’ll somehow go from Dead Inside to at least Light Touched.)
it’s hard to believe that i didn’t create an account before today ah well. i can’t help but feel sorry for Jigsaw and wonder what she has in store for whitenoise
no now if you’re asking for brain bleach already then you’re not not ready to swim with this crowd. as for side saddle you probably don’t want to know.
Discussion (30) ¬
They’re getting awfully familar with each other. XD
woa, awesome im awake long enough for the new page :B lol poor whitenoise
btw not sure if you got these or not so I hope you dont mind me linking them here! http://img41.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=poop044.jpg
Love all the snark in that bottom panel. Love eet.
And Jig’s OMGWTF face in the first two panels 8D
Could some one PLEASE pass the brain bleach? Half of the images conjured by White Noise’s response are Not Safe For Anybody.
The rest are utterly hilarious and usually have the punchline “This isn’t what I meant!”
SHE’S SUPPOSED TO HAVE WINGS!?!??!!!??!?!?!!?!?!?!
*reads bottom panels*
my brain wants bleach please
Aside from wanting brain bleach for what White Noise just said, the rest is hilarious as hell!
Obviously based on previous events WN has a completely different mental perception of what went on in there than what actually did….
P.S. And so far no one has even had any question of WHY Veled wants to talk to Noise as well? As far as we know he is neither a vampire, nor a horse of the apocalypse.
@lycanthrope we’re more concerned with her wings and the brain bleach, just venturing a guess, it might have something to do with the fact that he was once a commander under her
Awesome reply.
@zephyrion, there’s a lot of replies, are you talking about noise, or one of us?
really im surprised nobody here yet realised that jiggys DA gallery has had a winged picture for quite a while now
@brunhidden what where? i havn’t seen any winged pictures
Pass the brain bleach, please.
Wow. whole lotta…. ummm….
Now there needs to be yiffy pr0ns defining and explaining ‘sidesaddle’ in this context.
Waitaminnit..! Is all this on camera?
@Amoxil: Veled’s suite has no cameras in it. The rest is technically on camera, albeit the security feed.
*Forte what about the wings???? (or the bleach)
Ah, yes. Diamond `saw Mode. It’s been a while since I checked the DA account, but I DO remember that bit of art. Ah, the wonders of nanites and a vampire with an oversoul. (Meaning that later on, she’ll somehow go from Dead Inside to at least Light Touched.)
Her Character sheet
I’m having trouble getting the sheet to load…
OK – never mind! Seems to have been a temporary browser issue.
it’s hard to believe that i didn’t create an account before today ah well. i can’t help but feel sorry for Jigsaw and wonder what she has in store for whitenoise
Re: Whitenoise
That’s… almost, but not quite disturbing. I wonder what he means by ‘sidesaddle’
Also please pass the brainbleach. X_X
no now if you’re asking for brain bleach already then you’re not not ready to swim with this crowd. as for side saddle you probably don’t want to know.
LOL at “Sidesaddle.” Love ya Whitenoise. No brain bleach needed here.
I love you Silk! Though I’m not sure how side saddle works…. ^.^