Adhira is one very expressive individual…… Offence (violent beating of Geisha) and appreciation (this scene) tend to have very strong expressiveness. Jigsaw’s mindreading did not see this coming….
Poor Slick looks like he’s about to freakout… Silk seems a bit stunned as well…. as for Jason…. well what did anyone expect, eh?
Um, how much do we know about HRH’s species? I can think of at least one dual-equiped feline taur species on the internet. I forget the name, but it starts with a “c”. I’m starting to wonder if “she” is from the local equivalent.
considering I don’t think Jig draws smut, We’ll likely never see if ‘she’ is dual-equipped or not, but for some reason I doubt it. I think she’s just a very expressive and emotionally open person. In Russia (and many Slavic countries) a man kissing a man is not offensive or thought of as a homosexual event. At least, that’s the way it used to be, who knows these days. (Mind you, I did no research to back this up before posting, so I could be wrong)
Discussion (32) ¬
Didn’t see that coming…
I like this.
I love everyone’s reactions
I’m having flashbacks to other media. Heehee.
welcome to awkwardsvill population: eveyone in that room XD
Bow chicka wow wow.
I also like how much Jason seems to be enjoying the show.
Jason has the perfect ‘this, i can fap to this’ look
Jason? what about Slick?? look in bottom corner.
Adhira is one very expressive individual…… Offence (violent beating of Geisha) and appreciation (this scene) tend to have very strong expressiveness. Jigsaw’s mindreading did not see this coming….
Poor Slick looks like he’s about to freakout… Silk seems a bit stunned as well…. as for Jason…. well what did anyone expect, eh?
slick looks like he could fall over nd die at any second from shock
Um, how much do we know about HRH’s species? I can think of at least one dual-equiped feline taur species on the internet. I forget the name, but it starts with a “c”. I’m starting to wonder if “she” is from the local equivalent.
considering I don’t think Jig draws smut, We’ll likely never see if ‘she’ is dual-equipped or not, but for some reason I doubt it. I think she’s just a very expressive and emotionally open person. In Russia (and many Slavic countries) a man kissing a man is not offensive or thought of as a homosexual event. At least, that’s the way it used to be, who knows these days. (Mind you, I did no research to back this up before posting, so I could be wrong)
Ken: Addy is merely a ‘taur girl with an ample chest and a dictionary missing the definition for “subtle”.
The similarities between Addy’s folk and any other copyrighted tauric species end there. :-p
(insert awesome face here)
Still thinking that Jig needs to counterbalance this with more weapons-grade prettyboy in the future. *cough*
I’ll assume cultural differences are to blame… still, if that was caught on camera, the ratings probably went up another 5 points.
Talk about a bolt out of the clear blue empty.
Not often you see anybody as expressive as Adharia.
@Ken Cypher: You’re looking for a Chakat.
Jig/Addy OTP?
Nah. I’m an Addy/Slick fan m’self.
Sure as hell didn’t see that coming! I wish some of the girls I knew were that … affectionate… !
Slick is dyng: He wanted to get there first.
WN is at a complete loss for reality.
Jason is having flashbacks to his video collection.
Silk is thinking about whether she likes this or not.
Jigsaw has lost the ability to think.
Culture Shock for sure. Can’t wait for teh after reactions
I’ve only recently found/started reading this comic.
Can’t wait for next update
Looking back at this, I still absolutely love Jason and Slick’s reactions to this.
o0; Yep (to the I did not see that coming)! Yes (to the Jason comment’s’)! And Yep! (To Ken’s comment/exclamation!)
well, that was random…
I love Jason’s face…
I dodge not expect to see that;)
I did not expect to see that!
Alicí appears jealous
*Slick, fawg.autocorrection