Oh. Seems that Meisha isn’t such an original character. Ironically enough, I only just learned of this comic and of Adharia. But the similarities between her and Meisha are pretty big. Alien warrior princess that’s vaguely animal-looking and has pink fur and huge….. I’m just gonna skip the euphemism and say boobs- who are we talking about, Adharia or Meisha?
Yay! Side boobies!
And Geisha says…..”Totally worth it! <3 "
Hmmmm, for some reason this page and several others aren’t displaying, at least not for me.
Wait…there are rules?
Oh. Seems that Meisha isn’t such an original character. Ironically enough, I only just learned of this comic and of Adharia. But the similarities between her and Meisha are pretty big. Alien warrior princess that’s vaguely animal-looking and has pink fur and huge….. I’m just gonna skip the euphemism and say boobs- who are we talking about, Adharia or Meisha?