That Sound You Hear Is A Shattered Stereotype by Raye Keslensky on April 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Related That’s Supposed To Be “Thin Ice” By Looney LabsAh, Dramatic Irony AwaitsA Good Secretary Always Knows Her Boss └ Tags: Atlanta, Executioner, Jigsaw Forte, Jigsaw's Violin Case, Vincent Vaeo
Discussion (5) ¬
It’s crazy to look at these older strips and see things you never noticed before.
Or to just look back at a character you know now, and see where they started.
Haha, how many times have I used my violin case as a machine gun?
I stumble across a comic, and lo and behold, Lance and Janice is on! Also, a lombax. Now I have to read the entire thing.
So, I went for an archive binge to refresh my memory of events and uh…some of the older pages aren’t loading? I’m getting a lot of Error 522 host timeout pages, and this strip is not showing up. Only the insert comparing the art after 6 years is.