1) Finally!!! And I thought I’d die of anticipation!!! And I didn’t even wait a whole week (I discovered the comic last Tuesday, read the whole first three years’ comics in the space of roughly nine hours, and finished the last one on Wednesday). That’s only three days and it nearly killed me. Now I have to wait a whole seven… I’m a goner.
2) I can’t think of better timing for that pun.
3) Right on time. Seems to me that you were waiting in advance for the clock to strike 12:00 before you hit the magic button that made these changes final.
4) At least when I started typing this, I was the first person to comment on the page. Hopefully I still am!!! But if not, then DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in the exact tone as the aliens from Robot Chicken)
… definitely a bad situation to be in, I’d say that cypress would take priority as far as removing her from the pool before it fills again, then get clothes on jason and patch up daisy btw rss seems a little glitchy its fine now but i had to try to get it working a few times before it would let me add the feed for it
Daisy’s special abilities may be the only thing keeping her alive right now, so I would put her at the top of the triage list, followed by Cypress. Jigs is probably on bottom of list due to being dead-inside already.
Actually, if it were me, I would have a hard time not tossing Jason into the nano pool after his stunt, even owing he was toned into it.
i think thew nanopool is fully drained by now. as for what’s keeping Daisy alive? your guess is as good as mine. better even since i wasn’t considering her light child powers. also from this comic i’m guessing that jigsaw is right handed
And now it makes sense. I can understand the need to keep your sanity. I lost most of mine years ago (I don’t even think I was BORN fully sane), and now I am trying to keep a hold of whatever I’ve got left.
By the way, (and this is just totally random) wouldn’t it be awesome if the ‘future’ as described in pages 1-3 of the RPG manual actually happened? Not necessarily the whoole ‘Celeste imprisoning the poor Talmi and many humans’ thing, but the ‘Celeste coming to Earth anyway and opening up a new future of awesomeness for us’ thing. And if any of that actually happened, what would you rate its awesomeness on a scale of 1 to 1,000? I would put it at roughly 42,009. Because a scale like that is too short to include such high levels of awesomeness.
Well, Siege isn’t injured, but I wonder how well practiced she is at walking on pony hooves rather than feet. Especially if helping carry Cypress or Daisy.
Jason’s still got the gun, so he might be hard to persuade to do beast of burden duty. Isn’t Alice still around as well?
@hartree: Maybe they could just take his gun and leave Jason toned where he stands? Or better yet, whoever’s doing the toning could simply command Spades to lend a hand, if they’re so inclined to help Daisy.
I’d totally forgotten about Alice. Wonder if she stuck around for all the violence, or bounced like Xanatos did.
Discussion (14) ¬
A few things:
1) Finally!!! And I thought I’d die of anticipation!!! And I didn’t even wait a whole week (I discovered the comic last Tuesday, read the whole first three years’ comics in the space of roughly nine hours, and finished the last one on Wednesday). That’s only three days and it nearly killed me. Now I have to wait a whole seven… I’m a goner.
2) I can’t think of better timing for that pun.
3) Right on time. Seems to me that you were waiting in advance for the clock to strike 12:00 before you hit the magic button that made these changes final.
4) At least when I started typing this, I was the first person to comment on the page. Hopefully I still am!!! But if not, then DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in the exact tone as the aliens from Robot Chicken)
yeah!!! i was number one, after all!!! And now I’m number two!!! HA!!! NO SECOND PLACE PRIZE FOR YOU, [insert would-be second commenter’s name]!!!
@SuperSEGAFan: I have WordPress scheduled to update each Sunday. Automating the updates keeps me sane.
I can understand Jigsaw not responding to her injury but Daisy has her guts on the floor she should be in pain.
^^ *giggles* Oh yes it was. Still, very funny.
… definitely a bad situation to be in, I’d say that cypress would take priority as far as removing her from the pool before it fills again, then get clothes on jason and patch up daisy btw rss seems a little glitchy its fine now but i had to try to get it working a few times before it would let me add the feed for it
Daisy’s special abilities may be the only thing keeping her alive right now, so I would put her at the top of the triage list, followed by Cypress. Jigs is probably on bottom of list due to being dead-inside already.
Actually, if it were me, I would have a hard time not tossing Jason into the nano pool after his stunt, even owing he was toned into it.
i think thew nanopool is fully drained by now. as for what’s keeping Daisy alive? your guess is as good as mine. better even since i wasn’t considering her light child powers. also from this comic i’m guessing that jigsaw is right handed
Definitely a clever way of providing an in-story recap
…and cute to boot!
I wonder if this might be a good time to use the Efreet Gun. Cypress might be too fried, but maybe it could patch Daisy up?
I know just what you mean! (Re: Point#1)
And now it makes sense. I can understand the need to keep your sanity. I lost most of mine years ago (I don’t even think I was BORN fully sane), and now I am trying to keep a hold of whatever I’ve got left.
By the way, (and this is just totally random) wouldn’t it be awesome if the ‘future’ as described in pages 1-3 of the RPG manual actually happened? Not necessarily the whoole ‘Celeste imprisoning the poor Talmi and many humans’ thing, but the ‘Celeste coming to Earth anyway and opening up a new future of awesomeness for us’ thing. And if any of that actually happened, what would you rate its awesomeness on a scale of 1 to 1,000? I would put it at roughly 42,009. Because a scale like that is too short to include such high levels of awesomeness.
Well, Siege isn’t injured, but I wonder how well practiced she is at walking on pony hooves rather than feet. Especially if helping carry Cypress or Daisy.
Jason’s still got the gun, so he might be hard to persuade to do beast of burden duty. Isn’t Alice still around as well?
@hartree: Maybe they could just take his gun and leave Jason toned where he stands? Or better yet, whoever’s doing the toning could simply command Spades to lend a hand, if they’re so inclined to help Daisy.
I’d totally forgotten about Alice. Wonder if she stuck around for all the violence, or bounced like Xanatos did.
“Situation- Oh god we’re hosed.”
And I thought the X-Com boys knew how to botch a mission.