That Old Reptilian Instinct by Raye Keslensky on August 23, 2009 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Related └ Tags: Cypress Vaeo, Daisy Archanis, Nathaniel Vaeo, Points, Ratings, Team Andromeda
Discussion (11) ¬
I still think that the last line delivered by Nathaniel is going to be one of those awfully prophetic dialogues, but I like it nonetheless~
“[…]they could get away with murder!”
Um… didn’t Slick kill one of the scouts with the Efreet? And then she was killed again by a fellow scout, so they technically got away with 2 murders already!
That thoughtfully deviant look on Cypress gives me the chills, though.
Wasn’t getting away with murder the entire point of the show anyway?
@Xavier: Let’s be fair, Kuvaela’s death was in battle both times (self-defense, really), even without taking into account the whole zombie thing…
@Eagle: Depends on whose deaths you count as murder. Though I’ve got to say, this feels like an awful lot of effort just to kill Daisy…
Now they will stop at nothing to keep their ratings that high, god help the contestants and whoever/whatever they go up against.
@pilli10: That’s is what’s known as the “Oh Shit” factor. *lol*
Oohhh…. Not a good sign.
No problem with Nath’s line…… just Cypress’ look that would worry me if I was Daisy…… (that would be if the curls didn’t sidetrack me to laughter!
“For what it’s worth, these are the playoffs” – I’m sure the contestants would agree… in fact they’d say the game is far bigger than that!
I do wonder, idly, what the stuff in the background of panel 1 is.
Not because I think it’s important – it isn’t, otherwise we’d be able to read it – but because I just like to know what’s going on. ;-]
“Get away with murder” is an ironic statement, considering that’s what just happened. XD Like the HUD there.