Ok, she just topped my list of epicly awesome characters in this comic (well, next to ‘Saw), the last two panels outdo just about anything (just about).
Gangrel definitely looks cute in the uniform there. And it’s interesting how she develops something of a bust in her ‘exposition panel’.
And something I was thinking to ask about the previous pages while catching up on strips–was Geisha always a dragon/scaly type? I seem to recall him as being more of a human-type with head-snakes and odd eyes, but the last couple of strips it looks like he’s an offshoot of the same species as Cypress and family?
Are Qin’s nanites okay? It would suck to have risked getting his head blown off only to have them all go inert due to emp.
I imagine she only has a limited number of shots of Lit 2 before her batteries run low and/or taser wiring fries – overclocking is always at least a little hard on the hardware.
@josh.c given that cybees appear to be a cellphone/pda as well i would guess that it might come standard and odds are she needed help overclocking it but its possibly a modified feature/component that was added by one of jigsaws relatives
Someone sweep the vampire up off the floor please.
Wow…she’s packing heat.
Are all Cybee’s armed like her?
And we all know that Qin has done far more than enough to deserve that shock to the face.
@hariman: Eh, their are probably those that deserve it more. Some are probably even are among the volunteers.^_^
If your overclocking doesn’t have at least a one in three chance of killing someone, you haven’t overclocked it enough.
Go, Gangrel!! I love her nonchalant look. Cleanup in Aisle 5! Shampoo, Cosmetics, Deep Vampires!
Haha, now that would have come in handy earlier.
All I have to say is this. Epic.
Dang! For such a cute little thing, she sure is packed for battle!
Ok, she just topped my list of epicly awesome characters in this comic (well, next to ‘Saw), the last two panels outdo just about anything (just about).
Also, where can I get one?
A self-defence mechanism AND a way to jump-start your car when the battery dies!
w00t Gangrel!
Who knew she could do that?! It’s because she’s wearing her thumbs, isn’t it?
Wait…would Gangrel pick Siege as a lieutenant? Good idea or great idea?
Note to self: do not piss off cyber-fairy-thing.
Gangrel definitely looks cute in the uniform there. And it’s interesting how she develops something of a bust in her ‘exposition panel’.
And something I was thinking to ask about the previous pages while catching up on strips–was Geisha always a dragon/scaly type? I seem to recall him as being more of a human-type with head-snakes and odd eyes, but the last couple of strips it looks like he’s an offshoot of the same species as Cypress and family?
well Qin did deserve it
Are Qin’s nanites okay? It would suck to have risked getting his head blown off only to have them all go inert due to emp.
I imagine she only has a limited number of shots of Lit 2 before her batteries run low and/or taser wiring fries – overclocking is always at least a little hard on the hardware.
i know cybees are supposed to be like a floating laptop plushie for kids- but now i want to get three dozen or so to start my own floating chibi army
@josh.c given that cybees appear to be a cellphone/pda as well i would guess that it might come standard and odds are she needed help overclocking it but its possibly a modified feature/component that was added by one of jigsaws relatives
Two for flinching! ZNORCH!! ^.^
That last line has gotta be one of the funniest things to say after electrocuting someone. Especially from such a tiny character.
Pity Gangrel is limited to being an “auxiliary” player – she looks like she packs a bigger punch than most of the regular ones.