Nope, We Didn’t Forget.
Footnote: Anachronistic, you say?
Well, yeah, it’s about as relevant a metaphor to them as going on about “thirty pieces of silver” and people hiding inside wooden horses and other crazy things that happened just as long ago is to us. ‘Course, in this case, it’s also the context that matters, and since we are talking about someone being tortured into giving a confession here…
Language is a funny thing, and since “The Spanish Inquisition” is a lot harder to get across to someone not from Terth (“What’s a Spain?”), “Confessing to 9/11” has become the refuge phrase for angsty teens, harried spouses, and mistreated employees all across the GET-speaking galaxy whenever they get a few too many questions.
The lesson of all this? Be careful telling folks to remember certain things — they may not remember the same parts you want them to.
Secondary Footnote: For newer readers, or at least those with short memories, these two are talking about the “Little Ol’ Leak” that came out right before the second episode about Daisy. You can refer to these pages if you like.
Discussion (16) ¬
And the cameos begin!
I am still in that, right? ;P
Yay, Finally back to story time.
Cant wait to see the Cameos start popping up. Youll have to keep us posted about who is who 
Beware, there are eyes everywhere! And I’m sure they only warned the contestants to this fact, too. hehe.
*comes out of coma*
Looks like someone got a back cameo rather than a front one. Hehe. xD
Hmm. this cameo-spotting lark is a bit easier than “where’s wally”
paid to watch a pep show and call the alarm… what a job they have
9/11? OK. Whatever makes some people tick.
I really like this peek into Last Resort Station. I was wondering about this bloodthirsty place. Big Brother’s still watching, even in the future (bastich!).
was that commit really necessary tom?
oh come on, she couldn’t have ever heard of it… 3000 people dead?
have you heard of the “great leap forward”? 20-40 million dead in china.
in under 100 years nobody will know what 9-11 even is. (not because it wasn’t a terrible tragedy, but because people have short memories and because tragedies happen all the time)
Point. When 3,000 American civilians die in one day it’s called an act of terrorism and the whole western world is outraged. When 3,000 Iraqi civilians die in one day it’s called collateral damage and no-one bats an eyelid. Fucking hypocritical, neh? 9/11 is just a drop in the ocean- mankind has done FAR worse things with FAR higher death tolls. China’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ taking the first prize in the appalling death toll contest.
In other news- loving this comic so far!
im reading this the day before the 10 anniversary of 9/11…
@Anyone talking about the insignificance of 9/11:
You have to remember that it was the deadliest attack on US soil period. It signified the beginning of a new global era where the world was completely interconnected and it was impossible to ignore violence on the other side of the world. It also started the influential War on Terrorism, which raised important questions about foreigner rights and also brought to bear the widespread use of torture in US interrogation techniques.