And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor… [Guest Comic]
Footnote: Yep, I’m not responsible for this week’s strip, which was instead drawn by Fluffy of Busybee Comics.
If you think you can draw a better guest strip, by all means, send it in!
Next week, come back for more guest strips… and you’ll never guess who the artist for this next batch is!
What’s with all these guest strips? Well, while putting together Volume One, I realized I needed a little extra time… so these guest strips are picking up the slack!
If you’re not amused, just click on to the start of Volume Two here.
Discussion (13) ¬
What does that mean Jigsaw is a vampire Lombax?
I would like to apologize for what my comic did to the site’s layout. Now you’ll just have to click on the banner ads in blind faith, or something.
Don’t worry about it fluffy. I like what you did.
Its funny.
Poor Jigsaw. This one’s pretty funny, actually.
So, uh, where’s Clank?
Ratchet <3
not what i expected but funny non the less
Uhm, I want a My Little Plasmoid, too!
I’ll settle for just the RYNO.
ahh Ratchet from the Ratchet & Clank game series
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