[Guest Comic] – First Option
Oh, look, a guest strip!
J.P. (Bug Pudding) was so kind as to contribute this week’s guest strip — more of a parody than anything else. Supposedly there’s also another page in the works…
Oh, look, a guest strip!
J.P. (Bug Pudding) was so kind as to contribute this week’s guest strip — more of a parody than anything else. Supposedly there’s also another page in the works…
A parody you say? Then I’m definitely diggin’ “First Opt1on’s” take on the Jespa, Zillan, Talmi, and Rejika.
@Sulucamas: Seems to be poking more fun at my storytelling than my characters, but I see what you mean. :-p
Actually although there are some playful references included, the parody is more of a generic space opera. Think more of Looney Tunes meets Flash Gordon. Lastres0rt is a unique style which I love, so I didn’t want to make an inferior copy, but rather want to just provide some light “while Rachel takes a well deserved rest” kind of entertainment. I hope the fans of Lastres0rt will enjoy a little “pudding” snack until Rachel starts serving the next main course.
I know I’ve seen a well-placed “MEANWHILE…” like that somewhere before.
@J.P. Keslensky: Maybe it was the colors and shadows, but I got a real “Spaceman Spiff” vibe from the first panel, along with some “Duck Dodgers” from the text box. Nothing like adding made-up alien names to almost-made-up space jargon for lending one’s opera a little gravitas.
A tasty snack indeed. Now, what’s this about BIG GUNS?