So now Cypress has been roped in to the game. This is going to get knotty quickly, and I hope the group can avoid a harsh upbraiding. Everyone stay tuned to remain in the loop.
@Meowwl: Interesting. My knots knowledge is from decades ago (Yeah, was a boy scout). I’d never seen the alpine butterfly. Useful for where I’d have used a bowline on a bight.
@ Maryalee: Hopefully everyone will give us some slack for knot staying on the subject line and lashing them with frayed old puns.
I wonder what happens if the crowd decides to take a similar approach.
Just a knot nerd note…An alpine butterfly is a better knot for a fixed loop, and reduces the breaking strength of the rope less.
So now Cypress has been roped in to the game. This is going to get knotty quickly, and I hope the group can avoid a harsh upbraiding. Everyone stay tuned to remain in the loop.
@Meowwl: Interesting. My knots knowledge is from decades ago (Yeah, was a boy scout). I’d never seen the alpine butterfly. Useful for where I’d have used a bowline on a bight.
@ Maryalee: Hopefully everyone will give us some slack for knot staying on the subject line and lashing them with frayed old puns.
Well this is knot how I see it going well for everyone