Footnote: Dig that little chibi Daisy sitting on the panel? You can have one, too!
With any donation to the comic, you can get your own animated desktop mascot! Jigsaw comes in two outfits, each with their own sets of animations, and they’ll work in almost any browser!
Whaa? Sorry, I think I missed the left turn at Albuquerque……
Mind you, the expressions in the last frame are all great.. Perplexed, Sorry and OMG what did I do?
I cannot decide whether Adharia is sorry about the kiss, sorry about Jig’s reaction, or sorry she was asleep during the snacks.
The last was a joke, yes. At least Cypress thinks those midnight assignations were something other than what they were now.
Wow… I’m just curious though. In traditional Human mythology (the Old Mythos), the Vampyre is a creature cold to the touch, and not very sunlight/UV durable.
However, since Twilight (the New Mythos), the Vampyre mythos has undergone something of a revolution, and I was curious to know where Jigsaw stands in comparison to the two Mythos’.
Lycanthrope am not so sure that Cypress thinks that the “Midnight Snacks” are something else. I think Addy might think that way though…
Grrrr… Twilight… Grrrr… But seriously, the original Dracula was perfectly capable of functioning in daylight, though he couldn’t shape shift. He was also killed by a knife in the original story. All of the wooden stake and sunlight stuff was added later. Probably to add drama and tension.
I think Adharia is using her expression in the last panel to hide something from Cypress. I’m wondering if Jigsaw’s midnight snacks caused Addy’s kiss or if Addy knew what was going on.
Qin Xu is either laughing or worried. I’m not sure which.
@- hariman: true, and even dracula had added many things to vampires not traditionally associated with them. for instance they originally shapeshifted into fog, wolves, and toads instead of bats and were quite easily killed without use of wooden stakes… one of the more traditional methods to kill a vampire was to get roaring drunk, cut off its head, boil its heart in wine, and the whole town drank of that wine to protect them from other vampires. keep in mind the bulk of vampires were ‘killed’ while they slept in normal everyday coffins in normal graveyards and not moving aorund upright or in spooky castles. they presented quite easy targets after the shoveling was done
Lovely job with the expressions!
Midnight snacks? Didn’t see that one coming.
@EvilSupahFly and others: without giving away too many details (i.e. we’ll get to it in a few more pages), Jigsaw is more than just a “little” different compared to other vampires in the LR-verse, let alone how different said vampires (like Qin) is from the typical mythos.
Granted, the main difference is that she’s a completely different species (since “normal” LR vamps are always human), but that’s PLENTY of difference when you realize what makes a Talmi different from a human and how some of the traits we normally assume vampires have can be altered / masked by a nonhuman — all that fur hides the discolorations / bruises normal vampire skin might have, for instance.
And for what it’s worth, Qin is most likely facepalming right now, but it’s not Qin’s reaction you should be worried about.
I get the feeling White is someone to watch out for with all this. I’ll have to go back, but didn’t he freak out at Qin at first?
Funny coincidence (probably) is under this comic is an add for Existential Lesbians.
Qin Xu freaked out White Noise by mentioning White Noise’s daughter, if I’m not mistaken.
@Jigsaw: I look forward to finding out those differences.
Hm… I wonder what’ll happen when the Forte familly sees said footage… Jigsaw’s never living this one down, is she?
I’ve said it last page, and this one just backs it up: Jigsaw/Addy OTP
@Noxkitsune: I am not sure that this footage will be broad-casted. From what I read it’s on security feed until the moment to register the show. They probably add some stuff from the security feed as flashback but they must be sure to not give too much too soon. There are also a lot money to make on “special extended edition”.
wait i dont get one ting dose midnight snack mean jigsaw bit addy
0O; Same here Parou !
:\ Hmm…well that explains it somewhat(for Jigsaw’s comment). But what is LR?
Well, this is awkward…
And now the aftermath.
Ah… The problems of missconseption