The Last Res0rt Year-End Roundup!
Year in Review:
For those who want a little plot recap:
- We came into the year with Daisy having her alleged secret identity as a Galaxy Girl Scout revealed, then went straight into Episode Two where they end up fighting who else but… a gaggle of Galaxy Girl Scouts ready to wreak revenge on Daisy and collect some collateral damage in the process.
- Jason’s all too willing to comply, but Slick and Addy gain the upper hand with some help from their new ‘little friend’ Sedja (hint: she’s not that little) , which allows the players to turn the tide on the Scouts, but not without some zombie-on-Talmi action getting in the way first.
- The players win, and White Noise is put in charge, but also ends up with Jason as his second in command, which doesn’t go over very well. There’s no time to worry about it though, as Jigsaw ends up having to think fast (literally) to save Daisy as well as Addy’s new friend from the Vaeo family. Addy is very… grateful.
- Jigsaw’s not in a good mood, but that doesn’t stop her from meeting a guest at Cypress’s request… though she wouldn’t have done it if she’d known that guest was Veled! After a brief conversation over tea, Veled loses her temper and forces Jigsaw to confront her “true” nature… including revealing how she ended up a vampire in the first place!
In addition to this, we switched over to our currently snazzy WordPress site engine (complete with a sweet redesign!), opened Last Res0rt On Demand (Our Print-On-Demand Zazzle shop full of sweet swag!), an awesome omnibus cast page and tagging system, recieved several awesome reviews and an excellent interview (as well as a couple of guest appearances on the Webcomic Beacon!), and raised plenty of funds through the Star Org Cameo Drive, all of which means that 2010 is bound to be even better!
Plans for 2010:
- The book’s done, now it just needs to be published! I’m shooting like mad to have them ready in time for Furry Weekend Atlanta 2010 (and if they aren’t ready by then, I WILL be mad!), but don’t worry, they’ll be available online as well… probably around the same time, if not a little earlier.
- More stuff available online! Yes, we do have Last Res0rt on Demand to handle some of the buttons and smaller items that you can otherwise only get at conventions, but once we have these books available for sale, we’ll also have a few other things we need to post for y’all as well, including those sweet posters from Anime Weekend Atlanta (You remember them, right? … oh, you weren’t there? Shame…)
- The start of Volume Two! Yes, we’ve got a few more guest strips to go through while I’m getting everything back in order, but we’ll be back in action soon enough, which means all those cameos and things ought to be showing up shortly.
And of course, this isn’t all we’ve got planned… just the stuff that’s pretty obviously going to happen over the next year. But hey, what’s wrong with a few surprises?
You Can Help Last Res0rt in 2010!
Of course, all of this requires making a lot of decisions about what to do, where to do it, and how to make this all as successful as possible…
So I’ve made a survey so you can help me do just that! Click here to go and take the survey now!
It mostly covers cool conventions I’m considering or stuff I want to try and make next, but it’s really important to fill this out even if you’re only thinking about going to a con or getting some of the stuff I have available, because I want to make sure it’s stuff you’ll like in addition to it being stuff that I can think I can make my money back on!
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