Still Waiting to Send in Your Star Org Cameo? Better hurry up…
Yes, there’s quite a few “partial payments” in here that still need to pay up, but hey, progress!
I’ve finished (most of) the work on the books, at least as far as drawing stuff ought to go… which means it’s time to start drawing the conbadges for folks who’ve paid in full for their cameos! So, if you’re hoping to see yourself in Last Res0rt soon… well, go ahead and get those funds in!
Also, I know there’s a number of you who’ve been holding off… I only need a few more cameos to reach my goal, but there’s no reason to keep me hanging too much longer!
Also: I still need guest strips. Like, really need guest strips.
As is, if I don’t have any more guest strips, then I need to start working on the next pages of Last Res0rt approximately… yesterday, which means there’s going to be some problems unless I receive some guest strips to pad me out through the month of January.
Working on the book to make sure it had an excellent cover (and a nifty bonus story besides!) ate up valuable cameo-and-comic-drawing time, so I’m a ‘tad’ behind on drawing pages for online consumption… so to make sure I’m able to keep up making high-quality pages, I need these guest strips to help buy valuable time!
So… if you can draw a guest strip that doesn’t suck (… actually, at this point, we’ll take the ones that suck too), send it in!
If all the partial payers sent in the rest of the money, how close would you be to finishing up? A so close you could spit kind of close, or a “need a few more cameos kind of close?
I’ll be honest and say I need to do some records-checking over the weekend to make sure of who’s paid up vs. who’s paid a little vs. who’s sent me an order but not paid anything yet. There’s “probably” two cameo’s worth of payments I’m still waiting on, not counting folks who have sent me emails but haven’t paid anything yet (again, probably another two cameo’s worth), etc.
IF everyone who’s partial pays up and the folks who’re still planning on buying cameos do so, it’s close enough I could make up the difference with ads and things. Not an ideal situation, but I need to get a move on since aiming to have books in my hand by March is a tighter deadline than I anticipated.
Fortunately, there’re still folks who’re trickling in, so I should meet my goals by the 25th if everything goes to plan. Course, when does it ever go to plan?
Id have gotten a Cameo last week but damn ATM ate my money but my next chek you can count me in for a Cameo =^-^=
@Vee Flames: Good to hear!
In the meantime, don’t let that discourage you from going on ahead and sending in the details I’ll need for your cameo. It’ll still be open for a couple more weeks regardless, but it also helps me figure out who I need to keep tabs on, especially as I don’t think I’ve received an email from you yet…
Hey Jigsaw, i’m interested in getting a cameo in your comic but i don’t have the means to pay for it online. is there a way i can send you a money order/check to get it to you? if so let me know, i would really appreciate it.
@Rhys: Check / Money Order should be just fine, though obviously it’ll delay when I can start working on your order (’cause it’ll take a little time for it to get here/clear, of course).
Send me an email so I can give you a mailing address for it.