FREE – Anime Weekend Atlanta Souvenir!
It’s almost time for Anime Weekend Atlanta!
They’ve reformulated the Artist’s Alley, and we’ll be right in the middle of the first aisle you see. But just to make sure those of you coming in for the event actually find the table this year, I’ve brought in a little something special for y’all — freebies!
Jigsaw, Addy, and Gangrel are all included on this special limited-edition photo souvenir, and it’s all yours, for free… provided you can make it there in time!
Just to make sure you’re an actual reader, you’ll need to say the secret phrase — “Does Addy like Pocky?” — to clue me in and claim your prize. Remember, I only have so many of these on hand, so it’s first come, first served!
That’s an interesting question. Does Addy like Pocky? If so, which flavors?
Why yes, I’m being completely silly here.
Its things like this, that make me wish I lived in the US
@Maverick: You’re not the only one to say that… I’m gonna see about having a special version of this for you and all the other international folks, but it’ll have to wait until after this weekend.
its nice to see things like this all the way from the drawing board to fuition. good job jig, pass those suckers out like candy!
Well, I’ve already handed out approximately half of them today… only a few folks actually remembered the secret phrase, but hey, I’ll take it.
Man… I went to the wrong con now. =-.-= The photo-souvenir? That I want as it looks nifty. The wallpaper from going to MFM? *shrugs*
Hey, it’s why I try stuff like this.; the more it works, the more I do of it.
The wallpaper was made in conjunction with a conbook ad (where the art was used for both the ad itself and as an incentive to come to the site — the art is black and white because the conbook was also black and white), whereas the polaroid was an idea I’d seen done before and I wanted to do something similarly cool for the guys I already knew were good fans of the comic. Hence the different approaches (and apparently wildly different results!)
Oh, the wallpaper was mentioned around MFM while I was there, a few even snagged it from the internet lounge while still at the con that I saw. =^.^=
So yeah, polaroid for existing fans appears to have worked.
@WolfWings: Oh really? The stats on the Webcomic Wallpapers site said otherwise… They’d only showed the one hit after the convention.
Well, good! I was worried for a while there that folks hadn’t even seen the thing, let alone acted on getting the wallpaper.
Well, I saw three people looking at the image in the internet lounge at different points, so I dunno then. Maybe just saw folks checking the webcomic itself while the announcement was on-screen. :-/