New Feature Added — Tag, You’re It!
Following along just became a little easier. ^_^
If you’ve been digging through the archives recently, you may have noticed some new tags appearing… well, those’re there for you. Each page now has been tagged with relevant characters / items / details, so you can see just which character is which, when the last time was you saw a certain item, or whenever they were last talking about such-and-such.
Hopefully this’ll help those of you who want to refresh your memories do so without having to do an Archive Trawl quite so often.
Try it out now (the sooner I hear back about any issues, the better), and enjoy!
NEAT! I have one minor suggestion to add to the tag thing: A list of tags used thus far. Like a link that shows all of them [so you don’t have to clog your side bar]. Makes tags even more helpful, I’ve found.
Good job, by the way. Tagging or Re-Tagging that many pages must not have been a fun task.
Hm, wonder how I would / could implement that… I know tag clouds are pretty common, after all.
And yeah, took me the better part of this past week to do. I’m not sure what to expect (or what a “successful” implementation of the tags would look like), but it’s worth trying out and seeing if it helps anything.
Also seems like a good way to keep track of good references for possible fan art.