Jiggy! Jiggy! A Cast Profile and a Survey!
Y’all are totally getting spoiled this week.
First things first… you may have noticed the lovely new pinup of Jigsaw I’ve been showing off on Twitter and elsewhere. We’ve finally gotten her right where she belongs… on a wallpaper!
And those of you who may remember all those lovely pictures we took with folks involved a certain “Shoulder-Mounted Vampire” will want this next one… yeah, there’s TWO great new wallpapers of Jigsaw coming out this week. I told you I was spoiling you.
Both sexy and slightly fun versions are available for the low, low asking price of a $1 donation (or more — I’ll happy accept more money for these!) They’re also available at Webcomic Wallpapers, in case you’ve got some funds leftover there you’d like to spend on ’em.
In addition, there’s a new cast profile available for Qin Xu, our newly discovered doctor. It looks like there’s more to him than we’ve been led to believe…
And, last but not least, there’s a quick little 4-question survey I’d like all of you to fill out. Seriously, go ahead and fill it out. It’s important, and I’m asking about a few projects that y’all might benefit from in the future too.
she’s om pver her head again or she;s got a new fan