Holy shit! I’m more concerned with Daisy right now than I am with Jigsaw! Saw’s wounds are superficial compared to Daisy’s! Oh man! Spades you asshole!!
Huh, so I was wrong. Ahh well.
I still don’t see Daisy somehow dieing in the middle of a medical ship, but them NOT noticing Jigsaw as a vamp will be a lot harder.
Ly: Excuse me? His second in command is a DI. White Noise’s second in command is a known Vampire, and thus DI. In his flashback he was hiding behind someone I think we ALL believe to be a DI. And lets not forget that Zombie that Slick shot. *Ponders* Did I miss any?
Wait…I’m not sure if it’s a coloring error, but isn’t Daisy missing her cyberleg in this picture? I’m calling hallucination/illusion here…especially given Daisy’s attitude while supposedly dealing with a gaping gut wound.
Of course, this may also be something that results in Jig breaking her promise not to ‘make more’, too…
@Vulpis: Isn’t Daisy’s cyberleg just off the bottom of the page? I’d guess her badassitude here probably has more to do with her Galaxy Girl Scout training.
Now, a vampire Daisy would be a real surprise! (if Jig knew how to pull it off…)
@Vulpis: Daisy’s leg has a stump that cuts off mid-thigh, around the “garter” point (below the buttocks). The line you’re seeing would imply more of a bikini cut if the leg started there, which would be a MUCH more painful and serious condition (sliced hip bones, abdominal damage, etc.) than merely ‘an amputated leg’.
This is just a funny camera angle where the metal part of her leg isn’t in the shot.
Ironically, the pain hasn’t hit Daisy yet. Jigsaw wouldn’t be in pain right now either, except that the gun that just exploded in her hand counts as burn damage…
not just a jerk but a weak willed mind controlled jerk. i think that part of the reason he likes to keep sonny with him to keep him in line. then again maybe I’ve said too much.
And this is here you notice you never have a Medic when you need one.
Always take a Sandvich with you.
(This is also here you notice some people play TF2 too much)
Discussion (14) ¬
Holy shit! I’m more concerned with Daisy right now than I am with Jigsaw! Saw’s wounds are superficial compared to Daisy’s! Oh man! Spades you asshole!!
Not good!
Huh, so I was wrong. Ahh well.
I still don’t see Daisy somehow dieing in the middle of a medical ship, but them NOT noticing Jigsaw as a vamp will be a lot harder.
Spades now gets to meet his first Dead-Inside in 3…2…1….
I say he will be first to die when Jigsaw’s dead eyes pop open next panel.
Ly: Excuse me? His second in command is a DI. White Noise’s second in command is a known Vampire, and thus DI. In his flashback he was hiding behind someone I think we ALL believe to be a DI. And lets not forget that Zombie that Slick shot. *Ponders* Did I miss any?
*running around in circles panicing*
Wait…I’m not sure if it’s a coloring error, but isn’t Daisy missing her cyberleg in this picture? I’m calling hallucination/illusion here…especially given Daisy’s attitude while supposedly dealing with a gaping gut wound.
Of course, this may also be something that results in Jig breaking her promise not to ‘make more’, too…
Hey, GORE!
On Jig and Daisy? D:
@Ken: Sedja?
@Vulpis: Isn’t Daisy’s cyberleg just off the bottom of the page? I’d guess her badassitude here probably has more to do with her Galaxy Girl Scout training.
Now, a vampire Daisy would be a real surprise! (if Jig knew how to pull it off…)
@Vulpis: Daisy’s leg has a stump that cuts off mid-thigh, around the “garter” point (below the buttocks). The line you’re seeing would imply more of a bikini cut if the leg started there, which would be a MUCH more painful and serious condition (sliced hip bones, abdominal damage, etc.) than merely ‘an amputated leg’.
This is just a funny camera angle where the metal part of her leg isn’t in the shot.
Ironically, the pain hasn’t hit Daisy yet. Jigsaw wouldn’t be in pain right now either, except that the gun that just exploded in her hand counts as burn damage…
Man… the brutality of Jigsaw and Daisy’s wounds made me cringe… and I waited a week to see how this was turning out.
I gotta say, I didn’t like him much before but I’ve lost any respect for Jason… what a jerk.
not just a jerk but a weak willed mind controlled jerk. i think that part of the reason he likes to keep sonny with him to keep him in line. then again maybe I’ve said too much.
@Jigsaw: Ah, my error then–I guess I’m too used to seeing cyberlegs that start at the hip joint.
And this is here you notice you never have a Medic when you need one.
Always take a Sandvich with you.
(This is also here you notice some people play TF2 too much)