@Sharpshot: Just like there’s GET (Galactic English Terth), there’s GAH (Galactic Araeli Hebrew). Both are considered the standards for their respective languages.
Why they speak Hebrew on Arael in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader.
So just who is this powerful “somebody?” What happens when their Whimsy turns bloody? Are these transformations all illusion, or are things actually changing physically?! Regardless, controlling a Whimsy-generating follower/slave seems like a great way for Gabriel to control his other followers.
Perhaps Daisy’s just using GAH to hide the message from the Celigans, who probably wouldn’t stoop to learning the (adopted?) language of their former slave race. If that’s not the case, then at least it’s a language Jig would know and most of the Connection wouldn’t. It’s not hard to imagine why the powers that be wouldn’t want folks to know about Whimsy.
Man, I remember when they had one of those in DC. The entertainment for that first month was trying to find and interact with those poor saps…then we got bored.
huh i really should read the comments just noticed sulu’s post stating that its a generated effect… the pony forms makes me think its the first wing veled chick doing it
so wait, this is a celeste ability to modify reality itself? that can’t be good
Ah, so the mystery language finally gets solved. Hebrew huh? Wonder why Jigsaw picked up a human language.
And yes, you too can strip reality into tiny play things yourself in the LastRes0rt RPG.
@Sharpshot: Just like there’s GET (Galactic English Terth), there’s GAH (Galactic Araeli Hebrew). Both are considered the standards for their respective languages.
Why they speak Hebrew on Arael in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader.
Of course, since the entire planet Arael speaks it, it’s not so secret talking on the air in it. Maybe it wasn’t so wise a choice for Daisy?
@Moonfire: You most likely have a VERY Good point there.
Everybody loves Whimsy!
So just who is this powerful “somebody?” What happens when their Whimsy turns bloody? Are these transformations all illusion, or are things actually changing physically?! Regardless, controlling a Whimsy-generating follower/slave seems like a great way for Gabriel to control his other followers.
Perhaps Daisy’s just using GAH to hide the message from the Celigans, who probably wouldn’t stoop to learning the (adopted?) language of their former slave race. If that’s not the case, then at least it’s a language Jig would know and most of the Connection wouldn’t. It’s not hard to imagine why the powers that be wouldn’t want folks to know about Whimsy.
(…since ya already mentioned it: http://lastres0rtroleplay.webs.com/ )
HA! Who called it? ME! BOOYA!
But now who is causing it, if not Gabriel? What fun this shall be!
Reality warping? Damn. I figured it was just tone-induced hallucinations or something…
Gods! Preserve us from our fans!
Especially the fan fiction…*shiver*
Man, I remember when they had one of those in DC. The entertainment for that first month was trying to find and interact with those poor saps…then we got bored.
Some interesting animals and the colors are cool.
if i had to guess whimsy is a localized effect and daisy is speaking Hebrew because she is wagering that the source doesn’t speak it
huh i really should read the comments just noticed sulu’s post stating that its a generated effect… the pony forms makes me think its the first wing veled chick doing it
Aww, I forgot all my Hebrew when I went to the united states at the age of thee.
Not surprised, really. In the Dune series, religious Jews will still be around in 25,000 years.