After rereading this one again a few times, I “think” I’ve worked out what they’re referring to by “shattere-!”….
The Scout is referring to the bullet shattering into many pieces when it struck & “killed” Jig… {That’s my interpretation of her comment anyway, as she knows Jig’s a Vampire… :p}
all of that, you are not a headcase. With all due reespct, I have been through so much in the past 8 years and even I don’t consider myself to have ever been a headcase even after a diagnosis of clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, major anxiety, etc. I simply believe that at times life throws so much at us and that often it’s simply bigger than we are and more than we can handle. I honestly don’t see how anyone ever makes it through life without seeking the help of a “good” therapist. I am proud of you for taking the iniative to step forward and acknowledge that you may need some help in pulling it all back together. Good for you. I promise you (yes I promise) that if you are commited to your treatment you will be better and stronger for it. It won’t be easy but it will be so worth while. My advice is simply this…make sure your therapist really works for you. I too will only see women and while I have really liked them all…two of the four did nothing for me although just sitting and talking was nice. I would have loved to have gone out for a cup of coffee with them all. It’s just that two of them never challenged me etc. I personally believe it takes a certain amount of hard work and diligence to get better and for me…idle chat didn’t get it done. Of course it took me years to discover this all that matters now is that I did find that person (and I will say that the one that finally really helped me was a Psychologist, not a MSW, LCSW, etc). I don’t mean to offend but I do believe that there is something to be said for someone having obtained their doctorate. But, that was just my experience. I absolutely wish you the best and I pray that you find peace, healing and comfort in the days ahead. So much can change in a matter of days, weeks and months. Do what you need to do now and you can always re-evaluate later. ((((HUGS))))
Discussion (24) ¬
Oh geez, someone is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed…
If YOU took a bullet through the heart for someone else’s screwup, you would be cheesed off, too.
This is gona get ugly.
this is cool and scary, all at once, i don’t see snyper boy making it very far
Well this is turning out almost as good as I had predicted.
…Someone quickly made their way on Jigsaw’s “to kill” list.
“Shot through the heart! And you’re to blame!”
And anyone who tells Jig she’s beautiful when she’s angry gets what they deserve.
It’s official. There is now HELL to pay!
And Jigsaw is the newest bill collector from hell.
I sure hope she’s not so berserk she shreds her saviors! Would toning even work at this point?
never piss off vampires, especially if their species have fangs normally
I’m curious about what that interupted line about ‘shattered’ was about, myself.
Wow…. I like it when things get UGLY because that’s when they really start to get INTERESTING too! *lol*
@ Xavier Price
Now that you mention it Jigsaw does have a lot in the fangs department
It’s only a flesh wound.

And this just popped into my mind:
♫♪ Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face. ♪♫
@Vulpis: Could she be griefing Binary over not noticing that Scout Kuvaela shattered before dying?
Hiya Peeps,
After rereading this one again a few times, I “think” I’ve worked out what they’re referring to by “shattere-!”….
The Scout is referring to the bullet shattering into many pieces when it struck & “killed” Jig…
{That’s my interpretation of her comment anyway, as she knows Jig’s a Vampire… :p}
Cheers & Thranx
@Sulucamas got it: She’s talking about Kuvaela.
Kinda hard to claim ignorance about a teammate having a Shattered soul if you know right off the bat that your new Vampire buddy is just winded…
penalty – offence, for an illegal face mask pull
tsk, tsk, Jigsaw. You know the rules.
I think she is a tad bit peeved! Time for some old school revenge!
all of that, you are not a headcase. With all due reespct, I have been through so much in the past 8 years and even I don’t consider myself to have ever been a headcase even after a diagnosis of clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, major anxiety, etc. I simply believe that at times life throws so much at us and that often it’s simply bigger than we are and more than we can handle. I honestly don’t see how anyone ever makes it through life without seeking the help of a “good” therapist. I am proud of you for taking the iniative to step forward and acknowledge that you may need some help in pulling it all back together. Good for you. I promise you (yes I promise) that if you are commited to your treatment you will be better and stronger for it. It won’t be easy but it will be so worth while. My advice is simply this…make sure your therapist really works for you. I too will only see women and while I have really liked them all…two of the four did nothing for me although just sitting and talking was nice. I would have loved to have gone out for a cup of coffee with them all. It’s just that two of them never challenged me etc. I personally believe it takes a certain amount of hard work and diligence to get better and for me…idle chat didn’t get it done. Of course it took me years to discover this all that matters now is that I did find that person (and I will say that the one that finally really helped me was a Psychologist, not a MSW, LCSW, etc). I don’t mean to offend but I do believe that there is something to be said for someone having obtained their doctorate. But, that was just my experience. I absolutely wish you the best and I pray that you find peace, healing and comfort in the days ahead. So much can change in a matter of days, weeks and months. Do what you need to do now and you can always re-evaluate later. ((((HUGS))))
was mousy about to say “shattered bullet”?
in other words yeah i agree i think she was about to say shattered bullet
oh and whoever thinks they needs a therapist i wish you happiness and lots of hugs specially if it’s ‘saw